Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A reader's response to Corrugated Roads

Sheila Allison gave me a copy of Corrugated Roads which I read many weeks ago. I have been meaning to give you this feedback ever since.

What a striking and memorable book.

In the beginning I was laughing out loud over your vendetta with your brother and baby sister.

My heart went out to the small you and your experience after your rape, you certainly have a strong will to survive and overcome obstacles.

Your descriptions of the aborigines and the way they were treated returns to me every time the recent events in the Alice Springs camps and other are in the news.

Even after many weeks your book is still talking to me.

I hope it is successful and that you are able to write much more.

Thank you for sharing your experiences in this way.

Yours sincerely,
Jocelyn (Surname withheld)